My Wheels Aren’t Oxidized So Why Are They Hazing?

We tend to get a lot of questions about various types of metal and how to polish it and protect it. We like to answer these questions and then post them so that everyone has a chance to check them out. For more questions about our metal polish product, check out our Sheen Genie metal polish FAQ.

Below is a question that we’ve seen a lot of lately. So here goes…

My wheels aren’t oxidized so why are they hazing?

If you’ve been trying and trying to get your wheels to look like new again and just can’t seem  understand what’s going on… hopefully we can help. We have a few good reasons, but here’s why:

When wheel manufacturers put wheels or rims into production often times the level of original gloss is created by the actual smoothness of the metal. It’s what we call the “factory finish”. They have that crystal clear very smooth finish. The down side to this is that it’s just the bare metal that’s exposed to the elements in the air and the surface of the metal is not clear coated for protection. In time oxygen and nitrogen elements contained in the air touches the metal which causes a cloud like effect. If that cloud-like effect is left unpolished, it will eventually alter the surface of the finish. This is the oxidation process starting in its simplest form.

So what happens next?classic car chrome wheels

We have learned quite a bit over the years and after speaking to tens of thousands of regular polishers with the same types of problem. We’ve determined it’s not that getting that “right out of the box gloss” is unattainable, it’s actually the cleaners and polishes being applied in attempt to restore them. Most brands of metal polish contain rouge or abrasives. Anytime abrasives are used in a formula a petroleum base is a byproduct. It’s the only base that will now mix with the grits in the abrasives being used in the formula. Abrasives simply do not mix with water. Sheen Genie is a water based product. This means that there can’t possibly be any abrasives contained in our advanced formula.

Professional metal polishers who use greasy polishing compounds, and high speed buffers, follow through the process by applying an absorbent powder as an additional step. Not only is it costly to use, but it also takes a lot of unnecessary additional time. It’s used to absorb the last of the petroleum based oil that has bonded to the metal. This is what removes the haze… it’s the powder. It’s not the polish or cleaner that removes the haze its the oil that’s actually causing this problem. Silly right?!

Looking for advice?

Based on our biased opinion, there are two solutions you can choose. Either purchase these absorbent powders and do it yourself or simply use Sheen Genie’s “water based” High Gloss All Metal Polish + Cleaner. You are not only by removing the last of the oil haze that is left behind by “the other brand polish” but using a non-abrasive formula will also remove the impurities from the wheels surface without scratching, even on a molecular level. Ultimately leaving the finish smoother in turn a higher gloss. Don’t forget that after you’ve polished your metal surface you need to protect it. Adding the sealer + repellent to the mix will keep that “like new” shine for up to 6 months. Again, in our biased opinion, you’d be less intelligent if you didn’t use our advanced formula to save you time and money.

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